Window Shields Why The Window's Red Shield Security Center Is Red Even If My Antivirus Is Installed On My Computer?

Why the window's red shield security center is red even if my antivirus is installed on my computer? - window shields

What should I do?
I have tried unisntall and install an antivirus and again, but the red sign is still in progress and show that the virus is not found.


bon-gart said...

It is very likely because you have an infection caused by spyware

Microsoft.Windows.Security.Center.Disa ...

They should get rid of Spybot Search & Destroy to this

I also recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware get rid of any spyware can be had very likely.

Ed said...

You must completely remove Windows votes to add and remove programs. Even a search for the program in which your hard drive and see if it seems hidden somewhere in the folders or files. Following the disposal, including the trash, then restart your antivirus program installed.

Sometimes, you have already tried more than once should look because of the repression is not complete. Let the icons at the top of the table.

And if not dependent on installing from the ROM and again.

Hope this helps

I read bo-gart reason.

Getting started can be the answer, if not from me.

Kelly Wright said...

Windows indicates that it might not be able to recognize, some antivirus programs, so it's normal.
Go to Windows Security Center.
In the left menu, click Modify the Security Center alerts me.
Aura 3 chekboxes shows the setting alert.
Remove the "Virus Protection" and click OK.
This should solve the problem and the annoying red shield is in the pan.

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