Furniture Oil How Do I Get Vegetable Oil/shortening Out Of My Furniture?

How do I get vegetable oil/shortening out of my furniture? - furniture oil

My children, I was in the shower, I found my Crisco and vegetable oil, and to our apartment. I need to know how they get to walls, furniture, electronics and carpet. I thought about using Dawn soap, but I am not the hand, and I have a car. I also thought of Windex, but I did not do that. If you have suggestions or ideas, or if it has happened to you, please let me know what you use to clean. The task is so great that I do not know where to start cleaning.


JohnT said...

Well theres a simple solution to this problem. You need to clean their children and, if not killed ...

... in a game of ping-pong

eskie lover said...

Until you can hit the store, so a little salt, baking soda, talcum powder or cornstarch. After scratching, solids, spray one of them in the dirty surface to absorb the fat even carpeting and devices. You can use a damp cloth Dampende clubavonden hot water and vinegar to use on a thick hard cut surface.

eskie lover said...

Until you can hit the store, so a little salt, baking soda, talcum powder or cornstarch. After scratching, solids, spray one of them in the dirty surface to absorb the fat even carpeting and devices. You can use a damp cloth Dampende clubavonden hot water and vinegar to use on a thick hard cut surface.

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