Star Wars Henti What System Should I Buy Star Wars The Force Unleashed For?

What system should I buy star wars the force unleashed for? - star wars henti

I have all next generation consoles and miracles. Which one should I buy the new Star Wars game. The Wii can be fun, but the PS3 can have better graphics. If you have some suggestions.


teneykio said...

Well, I know, but I for the Wii, I can not help but think about it, or Play It Cool to use force to enable them to push me out and Nunchuk will also be used to force (the force that is gripping operation Z) strangulation, and then turn on the Nunchuk. So cool I'm gunna go play now, man!

Brian said...

The PS3 has better graphics. Yes, slonskiy, Xbox 360 has better online, but this game is not online. It is not a factor. The Wii has an exclusive duel mode 2, but has fewer graphics than the PS3 or Xbox 360 It depends on what you want.

Eric said...

360 and PS3 are practacly the same game, the PS3 graphics are slightly better. Insn't I heard the Wii version as well, but I've never played, so do not take my word.

Slonskiy said...

Xbox 360 has better graphics, not the PS3. Many people think differently, but that's not true.

Get it for the 360th In addition, Xbox Live is much better than PS3 games online.

Agent W said...

360 or PS3

Paulo said...

PS3 all the way


Tt78 said...

Casue PS3 better graphics and online gaming PC will be great casue

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