Can gallbladder disease cause stomach cramping or spasms after eating? - gallbladder disease canine
I went to the doctor and explained my symptoms and diseases of the gallbladder or bile suspected. My symptoms are abdominal pain after eating, loss of appetite, slight feeling of heartburn and flatulence 24 / 7.
These symptoms seem familiar to anyone who has gallbladder problems?
Gallbladder Disease Canine Can Gallbladder Disease Cause Stomach Cramping Or Spasms After Eating?
4:12 PM
Cause stomach cramps and spasms. Especially when mud on them. You can not rock, and still have the disease of the gallbladder. What foods are similar, based on this law? If you have a greasy or spicy foods, the poor, or post an annoying pain in the back or shoulder, which was probably connected to your gallbladder. You should really have an ultrasound on him so that he will be discarded. The pancreas and other organs are consult in the same area, so you should consult your doctor for care. There's even a blood test that can be extracted as P-amylase, which will see agencies.
It is entirely possible. He had gallstones when I 18 years, and particularly heavy or fatty foods that I will go with similar symptoms.
I had removed because they were trying to pass a stone, but remain in the bile duct ..... This was not a pleasant experience.
I had my gallbladder removed a few months ago and the symptoms sound familiar. If you can still sometimes remove the gallbladder. You will not regret it.
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